巧媚飞舞 发表于 2016-4-26 17:51:58


Previously on Drop dead diva:Beautiful model Deb got a traffic, and she don’t want to be arranged by Fred, a gatekeeper of heaven. So she put return button key, She came into Jane’s body. At that time Jane was just passed away in hospital. Deb have to try to become a new Jane.Scene 1:Jane come back to the office.

Jane: I look ridiculous.Tery: You look fine.“ridiculous”:可笑的,荒谬的。例:You should not say someone is ridiculous, that is impolite speech behavior.(你不应该说别人可笑,这样是一种不礼貌的语言行为)Scene 2:Jane took back the position of first chair.
Tery: What’s wrong?Jane: What’s right? I screwed up Mrs. Wellner’scase. Parer thinks I’m insecure, I hate my wardrobe, and it is like a thousand degrees in this office. I can’t do this any more!解析:screwed up: 弄糟,搞砸。例:I don’t think she would screwed up that case.(我认为她不会把这件事情搞砸。)Insecure: 不安全的;不稳定的;不自信的。例:I am insecure about my performance as a manager.(我对于自己作为经理的表现缺乏自信)。Scene 4:Jane’s “ex-boyfriend” came to her office to appreciate, but she can not tell him the truth. So she broke the glass of window to release her anger.Jane: Step away from the cookies and get a grip.Fred: And what would Jane say to Deb?Jane: I’m sorry. Deb.Fred: Sorry for what?Jane: I’m sorry you needed people like me to feel better about you.解析:这是一个定语从句,people后面省略了who, 是因为 who 修饰的是宾语。例:The lady who is sitting her is my friend.(句子中的who是从句的主语,因此不能被省略)    The rose (that) he is holding is so beautiful. ( 句子中省略了that,是因为它的作为从句的宾语,所以可以省略)Scene 5: Jane won the trust of the customer.

Jane: Marcus, under most circumstances, I would agree with Kim, but the jury’s not going to sympathize unless they see your pain. Don’t hide it. Embrace it.Marcus: Jane.You’re first chair. “First chair”首席地位的,第一把交椅。解析:Unless: 除非,如果不;除……之外。(= if not)用来引导条件状语从句。例:I will not go to his birthday party unless he invite me .(除非他邀请我,不然我是不会参加他的生日聚会的)First chair 的字面意思是第一把椅子,可以用在很多方面,指代最高水准的,最高地位的。例:I practiced my violin very hard. Finally I was the first violin chair.(我勤奋的联系小提琴,最终我坐上首席小提琴的席位。Drop dead diva Season 1第二集 节选Scene 3:Jane is complaining about her setbacks.
Tery: Jane, no! Your mother gave you that!Jane: When they fix it, I want a latch.解析:When 引导的是时间状语从句,表示当……的时候。Latch:门闩的意思。例:When I go home, I hope I can go with you.(我回家的时候希望和你一起走)Scene 5:Jane feels sad for her new body. Fred accompanied with her。

Fred: If you were still Deb, what would you say to Jane?

Bingum: Whatever happens, thanks for representing me. Not just the case but me, the fat girl. Sun bar: Ms. Bingum? We’d like to settle.解析:Thanks for 后接动名词,表示感谢的内容。例:Thanks for coming to visit our factory. Welcome! (感谢你到我们工厂参观,欢迎!)Finally Jane can control her work and get succeed in the court.
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